
Friday, March 26, 2010

Church Social

Last night I went to our monthy church social.  The theme was "our childhood favorite".  Because of the time (1940's-1050's) and place ( Santa Clara Valley) I just loved to eat everything.  Fresh fruit from the orchards and fresh vegetables from our garden. My mom didn't bake much and our refrigerator would not keep ice cream cold, so my sister and I didn't get many sweet treats.  I am sure that is why now my favorite food is dessert.  And, I love to bake.

I thought I would bring my kids favorite to the potluck dinner. 
Yellow Glaze Cake or Lemon Jell-O Cake.  I found this recipe in a Grange Recipe Book. 1971 Fourth Printing. I received the book from my aunt in 1973. My kids would come home from school and bring friends, the 13 x 91/2 x 2 pan of cake was gone in a heart beat. 

First is the cake

 Second the Glaze (No Cooking)

When the kids were home I made the glaze with lemon juice and orange juice, but last night I made the glaze with maraschino cherry juice, because I wanted to cut the cake in small pieces and put a cherry on top for the kids at the party.

1 pkg. yellow cake mix
  1 pkg. yellow Jell-o, mix
Next add:
4 well beaten eggs
3/4 c. cooking oil
3/4 c. water
Beat thoroughly.
Bake in greased and floured oblong pan 13 x 91/2 x 2 at 350 degrees F. for about 35 minutes.
When baked, and while still in pan, pierce to bottom ten times with fork or ice pick, (while still hot). Pour on glaze which will sink in.

GLAZE( No cooking)
2 c. powdered sugar
1/4 c. lemon juice
1/4 c. orange juice or
1/4 c. maraschino cherry juice optional

The dinner consisted of mac and cheese ( I guess that is a kid's favorite dish).  Several different recipes of the dish were made.  Some with bacon or bread crumbs.  Some made with large noodles and some with small noodles.  It was all delicious. During the entertainment they had made popcorn, served wonderful desserts with coffee, tea and raspberry lemonade.  It was great.
Hope you enjoyed!!!!!! Thank you all for stopping by.  Please leave a comment.

I am linking to Cindy's Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home and Michael Lee's at Foodie Friday over at Designs by Gollum.
Please link back to Cindy and Michael Lee  and see more good things.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Very Large Aloe Vera

Believe it or not.  This Aloe Vera started out as a 5" high plant from the local grocery store.  Can you see the babies nestled snugly under the mother plant?
I remove the small ones and transplant them into small containers. Then I give them away to my friends as a hostess or a friendship gift..  In the summer a 1-2 ft. long Yellow flower in dense spike atop a 3-ft  stalk comes up the center and blooms. The Aloe Vera plant is a favorite folk medicine plant used to treat burns, bites, inflammation, and a host of other ills.  As you can see I do not cut on the plant much.

 A closer view.

Succulents do very well in the hot and dry interior valley of California.  I do have drip watering system to the pots on a timer for everyday watering.  They are protected from the direct hot sun of the afternoon.  As you can see by the shadow from the patio overhang it is keeping them well protected.  Click on picture to see the detail of the plants.

I have added some other plants. Some snapdragons and decorative cabbage.  I love any grouping of plants.  The color and light from the sun brings so much beauty to each plant.

 Just a last look at the patio.  I have five different rose bushes in the center and lamb's ears surrounding the sun dial.  I have a Jade Plant.  I provide overhead protection for the Jade because I am in Zone 9.  The other pots around the planter have a different kind of herb planted in each one of them.  I can just walk out my back door and snip off the herb of my choice.  Chives, Mint, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon, Thyme or Parsley.
Oh my goodness I think I love gardening....

Today I am linking to Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer.  Please link back and visit the more of the Outdoors.

Thank you for stopping by and please leave a comment.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

House of Design at the Kraft

I am so excited to share with you the House of Design at the Kraft in Red Bluff, CA.  This is just some of the photos I took one rainy day in February.  Decor Accessories, Beauty & Fragrance are some of wonderful things you can see.
Please visit Kate Gleim's website and enjoy the story of the Historical Kraft Library and the history of the restoration of the Kraft Library.

I am linking up with for Mosaic Monday.  Please stop by and see more mosaics.

Thank you for stopping by. And if you could leave a comment, I would love to read them.  I try to answer them too.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Comfort in a Cup

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring.  Easter will be here very soon. And, what to do with the leftover ham?  Make soup. 


2 tbsp. butter
6 oz. diced ham
1 large onion, chopped
3 tbsp. flour
32 oz. Chicken Stock
1 large russet potato, peeled and diced
(about 2-1/2 cups)
1 cup evaporated skim milk
(or half-and-half)
4 cups fresh or frozen corn
1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced
3 green onions, sliced
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp. chopped basil or cilantro

Melt butter in a medium skillet.  Add ham and onions; cook for 5 minutes.  Stir in flour and cook for 1 minute.  Add stock and potatoes; cook over medium-low heat for 15 minutes.  Add milk, corn, red peppers and green onions;  cook for 10 minutes more.  Season to taste with salt and pepper and garish with basil or cilantro. 
I serve this soup with a tossed green salad and crusty bread with butter. Ah!!!!!
Hope you enjoy the soup. 

Today I'm linking to Michael's Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.  And also linking to Cindy's Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home.   
Please come back soon and leave a comment

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Angel

Today is Outdoor Wednesday and I'm so pleased to show you my beautiful angel.
My angel protects my home and garden.  With spring just around the corner I am excited about putting the garden back in order.  This picture was taken last spring.  Each year is a new adventure for me in my garden.  This is a benchmark for my journey I have planned for the garden in 2010.
Can you see the lavender behind the angel?  I love yellow and lavender together.
The barrels have a different patio rose in each one. A yellow, pink, and salmon.
A close up of my angel and the beautiful pansies.

Hollyhocks are a favorite of mine. They are so easy to grow and very English. And, the lilac  Buddleia (Fountain Butterfly Bush) attracts butterflies all summer long.
 I have rose bushes at the far end of my garden and several other roses in another part of the garden.
Hope you have enjoyed visiting my angel and my garden.  Be sure to stop by A Southern Daydreamer and enjoy many other trips to Outdoor Wednesday.

Thank you for joining me, and please leave a comment. 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Christmas Bear - Show and Tell Friday

I want to share My Christmas Bear.  This is the perfect time and place.  My Christmas Bear was given to me when I was six months old (December 24, 1941).  My mom and dad bought this bear for me on my First Christmas.  Teddy is 15" tall and well worn.  Under his arms and between his legs where the light has not reached is the original most beautiful cinnamon color.  Teddy's arms and legs move, but his head does not.  When Teddy was 35 years old, I had his nose, eyes and the pads on his paws redone.
As you can see the mohair is getting thinner as he is getting older.  I seem to be having the same problem with my hair.  I love to look at him.  I should put him away in a dark place to preserve his fur, but I just don't have the heart to.  I love him so much and I want to enjoy him everyday.  I hope you have enjoyed my Show and Tell today.  I'm joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.  Be sure to visit  her and see the amazing blogs.