
Friday, September 27, 2013

New (Old) Vanity for Guest Room

Hello everyone,
Oh, how I love to blog. I'm so excited to share with you my new(old) vanity or  dresser with a three way mirror. A friend was going off the collage and sold me this darling vanity to use in my guest room. But, I do have a dilemma. Should I paint this piece or not. I bought some ASCP Old White and was going to paint the dresser before bringing it into the guest room. I replaced the handles with some new decorative ones from Lowe's, but I think I want to live with the dark original look for awhile before starting a big  painting project. What do you think? Do I paint it or leave it looking old fashion for my guest room.
The dahlias are from my garden. I picked the dead ones and retrieved this beautiful bouquet for my guest room. The set of mirror, brush, comb and jewelry box was a Christmas gift from Sweetheart on our first  Christmas 53 years ago...
The angel was a gift from my granddaughter and the angel wings were a gift from my Sister-In-Law. The dresser scarf came from Lisa's Tea Room where my sister and I celebrated my mom's 91st birthday nine months before she passed away.
White, Pink and Rose are the colors for this room. A little light sits on the vintage night stand my sweetheart build in high school-57 years ago. The towels are tucked in the night stand and some lavender soap is going to be in a little basket for guests to use.
I forgot to put it on top of the towels today, but it will be there when guests arrive...
I love the reflection of the vase and flowers in the mirror.  
The rose throw is ready for wrapping up and reading a good book. The Tea Time magazines are in the angel box below the quilt rack. I added some white sheer panels the other day for a softer look to the room. The bed has a heated mattress pad and a down comforter is near by.
A rocking chair for reading. Sweetheart bought this chair while I was delivering our first child. When I came home from the hospital this wonderful rocking chair was waiting for me. The cute bear was a gift from my mom and dad to me on my first Christmas. I was six months old. 
Another story has been told and a another look into the past. 
Thank you so much for visiting My Cozy Corner today. 
Please come back.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Hi everyone, 
I published my first post on Christmas day, December 25, 2009. I've learned a lot in the past few years. But, when I first started blogging I didn't add labels to my post. So to make a long story, short. I'm adding labels now.    I've been going back and adding labels in evening while I'm watching television. Well this post was accidentally published again, and I decided to share this post as it was posted sometime in February, 2010.
I would like to share with all my blogging friends the views I enjoy.  
I live in Northern California and this is a view of Shasta Lake looking toward the mountains from Bridge Bay Resort.  I took this photograph on January 31, 2010.  

There was a break in the rain and a Sunday ride was the order of the day.

This is a photo of Interstate 5 crossing the lake going north toward Mt Shasta.

This is a view of the house boats moored to the side of the lake during the winter.  The boats are moored to docks that move up and down as the lake raises and falls according to the amount of water that is released from the dam.  In the summer they are moved closer to the resort for easy access.
Just another look at the beautiful lake. 
Thanks for visiting My Cozy Corner
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p.s. We just purchased a boat and will be enjoying this lake next summer.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Harvest Bounty

Welcome to Autumn~The first day of Fall~
I couldn't pass up posting today. With a bounty of beauty outside and the weather is perfectly wonderful. A light rain and a cozy Sunday afternoon, resting and writing this post. Life is Joyous.
This darling wheelbarrow was a gift from my daughter and granddaughters. I love it and it's going to be a seasonal regular.
The fall decor is a mixture of sweater pumpkins, faux pumpkins, gourds and foliage.
More Harvest Bounty to be revealed in the coming weeks. 

I'm adding a couple of whimsical (Mr. and  Mrs.) scarecrows.
These folks have been around awhile. They've been on a wreath, in the china cabinet and now in the darling wheelbarrow.

Thanks for visiting My Cozy Corner.
Linking To:
Meet Me Monday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
CenterPiece Wednesday

Have a great week

Thursday, September 19, 2013

New Burlap Bow on Old Wreath

Hello Everyone,
I'm in the swing of things now that I have my fall wreath hung on the front porch.
If you are new here I must admit I'm a bit thrifty...I bought this wreath in 2011 while working at Tuesday Morning. I love that store. I added a sparkly bow and I loved the look. But you know how times change and everything is coming up Burlap. I caught the fever... 
What a difference a little burlap makes on an old wreath.
 I added  faux sunflowers blooms to brighten up my
I really don't like Burlap. 
1. It's itchy.
2. It ravels. 
3. It's hard to work with.
But I love the look of Burlap
The piece of Burlap I used for this bow has a story.
I had a piece of burlap I used to wrap the pot of an Easter Lily for my Easter Tablescape  Go Here
I cut the piece of burlap into 3 inch strips and folded them back and forth layering each piece on top of the other. I wrapped a small piece of burlap around the center of the folds and took the tail and pulled it through the back of the knot and pulled it down and adjusted it in a casual way
I love to be crafty and thrifty at the same time.
How about this mosaic for my October Banner or shall I bring out the Halloween Banner from last year?
I hope you have enjoyed my story of the New Burlap Bow on the Old Wreath
Have a wonderful weekend
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Grand Old Virginia City

~The Grand Old West~
Hello everyone, 
I was delighted today to see last week's post about my trip to the Hot Air Balloon Race in Reno, Nevada featured on Savvy Southern Style. This week I'm sharing more of my Road Trip. Friday we saw the Hot Air Balloon Race and Saturday our friends drove us to visit The Grand Old West aka Virginia City.
The names of the buildings are as old fashioned as the town.
Look at the Window advertisements.
Law Offices Acquittals in most cases
 Bath House $1.00 with Attendant
Painless Dentistry
Rooms $1.00
Walking down the street to the original
We stopped for a photo.
Maybe this will be our Christmas Card photo or maybe not!
I love  to photograph horses and with a buggy a big+plus photo.
Silver Queen
The Silver Queen Saloon is promoted as the location of repeated spirit manifestations.
But this giant woman standing in the saloon is amazing.
 Her dress is made from thousands of silver dollars --and she's always visible.
The Silver Queen is 15-ft. tall and 8-ft. wide, a ceiling touching painting of a lady in an evening gown decorated with 3,261 "Morgan" silver dollars minted in Carson City. Her belt is fashioned from 28 twenty-dollar gold coins.
I loved how the guys are checking the dates on the coins.
Next to the giant lady was the door to the garish wedding chapel room--where the pop duo The Captain and Tennille were married in a quiet ceremony November 11, 1975. I remember them...LOL
The last stop was a photo op in the Virginia city Jail. This was a temporary visit.
I couldn't wait until the first of the month for the hangings. LOL
Thanks for visiting My Cozy Corner.
Living Retirement in a Joyous Way
I'm Linking to:
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits
Favorite Things Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Show and Tell
  Oh, The Places I've Been
Inspiration Friday
Show and Tell
Thank you for the wonderful comments

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Signs of Autumn in the Garden

Hello everyone,
Well, we're half-way through September and the last of the hot days are almost over.  Hopefully in a couple of weeks we will have the wonderful moderate temperatures we so enjoy during the Autumn months.
 I'm always amazed since I've been blogging to look back at the changes the in the garden. In May this border is so sparse, but I have moved the yard decor around and the border has filled in with an abundance of greenery.

The Dahlias are a work horse of a plant, and IF and that's a big IF I dead head every few days they just keep blooming. I planted a rose and the strawberry pot is overflowing with succulents and a burnished colored coleus. Plus the fabulous sunflowers are growing by the minute.  
I brought the angel back from the big garden and put the white urn in the big garden planted with a big fern under a shade tree. Sometimes I feel as if I've got two homes.
Clean and rearrange one and then clean and rearrange the other one.
Inside, outside, inside, outside. 
I love the pink color of this dahlia.  I would like to buy some dinner plate size dahlias and plant them in this space next year. The short pink ones in front and some big tall white ones in the back against the fence. 
Don't you think that would look pretty?
If you look close you can see the dead ones. I might save some seeds and put them in my secret garden next year.
The sunflowers are growing fast and furious.
Here they are in all their glory. 
This sunflower is called Autumn Harvest.  They are petite compared to my sunflowers I grew last year.
My Cozy Corner banner has photos of the larger size sunflowers. 
Both are nice to have. I tried to plant large and small this year, but the large ones didn't germinate. 
I had a little fun with photo shop and added some romance to my sunflower photo.
I love to garden. Can you tell? 
Thank you so much for visiting me. I love company...
I'm linking to:
Home and Garden

Betty @ My Cozy Corner

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hot Air Balloon Race!

Hi everyone,
How was your weekend? Mine was great. Sweetheart and I traveled to Reno, Nevada to visit friends and family and also to attend the Great Reno Balloon Race. We've been close to home since March and it was such a treat to take a road trip during this beautiful time of year. Our road trip also took us through Lassen National Park had an amazing view the volcano. We arrived on Thursday afternoon and Friday at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING we arrived at the park where the balloon race was held. As you can see the balloons are preparing for the GLOW. The wind picked up and the GLOW was canceled. I did snap a photo of these balloonist getting the balloon ready.

As the sun was rising we enjoyed a wonderful waffle and a delicious cup of coffee. Coffee and a sunrise-life just couldn't get any better.
Then the action started. The balloons started to inflate one by one they started to fill the field with the most beautiful sight... 
This photo might be our 2013 Christmas card.
The show started with the cutest fish balloons. 
Oh my gosh, they are kissing...And glowing too!
When two balloons touch in the air it's called kissing. 
A beautiful red, white and blue balloon lifted into the air as the American anthem was played.
Five airplanes flying in the missing man formation. 
What a blissful day. As the Mass Ascension a wedding was performed in the basket of one of the balloons.
What a Hoot!
I couldn't believe my eyes. Yes, that's the bride standing in the balloon with a beautiful dress and hat and the groom throwing rose petals from the basket of the balloon down to the visitors. 
Off they go up into the air for a beautiful ride in the first few minutes of their married life...

A blessing said before a flight.
May the winds welcome you with softness
May the sun bless you with it's warm rays
May you fly so high and so well
That God will join you in laughter
And set you gently back again
Into the loving arms of Mother Earth
I have no words for the beauty of the Hot Air Balloon. 
The balloon tells the story with the gorgeous colors against the blue sky.

I hope you've enjoyed your visit to My Cozy Corner.

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