
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hollyhocks and Artichokes

Please join me for another Outdoor Wednesday @ A Southern Daydreamer.

Yes,  I am in heaven during the spring and summer.  So much is going on outside in the garden.  I walk around and see what's new.  So please come along and take a look.

That BIG BLACK spot in the photograph is a BIG BLACK BEE...... I didn't know where he was going to land. And, I was praying it wasn't going to bee on me!!!!!!!

The Hollyhocks are growing against the fence.  When the Hollyhock seeds drop to the ground I find small plants growing everywhere.  I dig the small plants up and move them to the fence area and replant them. The new plants replenish the old plants that die. Each Hollyhock plant is a biennial or short-lived perennial and for beautiful background I just love my Hollyhocks.

In July, after the blooms fade, I cut off the hollyhock stems just above the ground.I continue to feed and water the plants and the roots push out another flush of growth, which will rebloom in September.  This technique demands a lot from the plants.  I continue to feed them two or three times during the regular growing season to produce the wonderful second bloom.

In the garden the Artichoke plants are divided into two groups.  The plants in the sun produce vegetables we eat in the spring. And, the plants in the shade are used as ornamental and landscape value.  The spectacular purple-blue thistlelike flowers are cut for arrangements . It is amazing what nature produces.

Thank you for visiting me today.  Would you please jump back to A Southern Daydreamer and visit more outdoors.

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  1. The hollyhocks are so pretty. I have never seen an artichock except in the supermarket. Thanks.

  2. The artichoke looks beautiful when its growing-almost too pretty to cut. Hollyhocks are such staely beautiful flowers. So pretty.

  3. I enjoyed seeing your garden..I think I'd like to try some Hollyhocks in mine...There were Bumblebees in my garden when I went to pick veggies this morning...luckily they left me alone.
    Happy OW.
    Mama Bear

  4. Betty I love seeing artichokes blooms, they are amazing aren't they? I need to grow artichokes and I would just let them grow until they flower. Also, hollyhocks are one of my favorites and yours are so beautiful.

  5. I love your hollyhocks and artichokes. I am trying to grow some hollyhocks from seeds that a neighbor gave me from her plants. Your artichokes are really beautiful!

  6. I've never seen artichokes in the garden before. They look amazingly beautiful!
    Love the teapot in your Tuesday Tea post, too. Hope you are having a great week.
    Blessings, Beth


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