
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


We are off to Corfu, Greece this week.  This port of call was on July 29, 2010.  A beautiful Thursday morning.  Off we go.....

We passed through the main part of the town of Corfu and headed out into Corfu's lush and verdant countryside of olive, orange and lemon trees.  Our destination was the village of Gastouri, where we visited the Achillion-the mansion built by the Empress Elisabeth of Austria and later owned by Kaiser Wilhelm II.  Its beautiful gardens and statues have been left intact for visitors to admire.  We continued to Kanoni for a distant view of the convent of Vlacherna and Mouse Island.  We returned to town by a different route and took a walk through the narrow streets of the old district.  We stopped at the beautiful St. Spiridon church before returning to the ship.

Hope you enjoy the beautiful sights of Greece and thank you for visiting me at My Cozy Corner.

I am happy to join Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.

Hope you leave a comment and become a follower.


Friday, August 27, 2010

My Angel Bathroom

My guest bathroom had water damage to the floor and was repaired in March.  I have been busy collecting angels to accessorize the Angel Bathroom.  I have found cute things at estate sales, antique malls, and yard sales.  I have painted frames, painted angels and now it is time to reveal my bathroom metamorphosis.

The bathroom is used mostly by my six granddaughters, and I wanted to make it very special for them.  Because they are my angels.



Paint color - Linen E50 ACE Paint

New Floor - Mannington, Benchmark sheet vinyl

I found the sweet little bottles at a yard sale, and I love my lavender

I wanted to accessorize with My Favorite Things.  Of course Angels and Lavender

This print is 'Angels with Garland' by Carlo Maratti.  I found it at the antique mall where I have My Cozy Corner booth.  It was just across the isle and was half price for $25.00.  I have the print hanging over the bathtub and when the girls are in the bathroom I can hear them giggle when they look at the angels

Smelling Lavender Bath Salts is so wonderful.  I found the silver-plated dish at one of the estate sales  for $1.00.

My granddaughters love my perfume bottles.  I think they pick them up and try them out while they are in the bathroom.  I just love having something beautiful for them to see and touch.

Lavender and Angel

Angel and Lavender

I painted this angel off white to give her a softer appeal

What a beautiful expression of love the cherubs are giving to their work.
This print is 'Cherubs Sculpture' by Angelica Kauffman

I love this angel.  I think a plant would go nicely on the stand.

And, lastly my beautiful night light.  She glows so softly at night.

I hope you have enjoyed my BEFORE AND AFTER.

I'm joining Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday

I'm joining Ronda @ Southern Hospitality for Thrifty Monday

I'm joining Marty @ A Stroll thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday


Linda @ Coastal Charm for Thrifty Tuesday

Thanks for your visit.  Please leave a comment and join as a new follower.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I would like to share the second port of call on our anniversary cruise.  Hope you enjoy.

Dubrovnik, Croatia July 28, 2010.

I loved Dubrovnik.  From a scenic view point, we had a magnificent view over Dubrovnik and its Riviera.  We had a pleasant drive along the coastline and through the picturesque villages of the green and fertile Konavle valley.  We headed to Cavtat, with a palm-lined seashore and numerous cafes.  We walked along the beautiful seafront promenade.  At the eastern entrance to the Old Town in Ploce Square we stopped for refreshments and watched a performance that included regional costumes, songs and dances from various Croatian provinces.  After the performance we walked from Ploce Square to Pile Square to finish our beautiful tour, and return to the ship for lunch.

Thank you for stopping by to catch a snippet or two of the sights of Dubrovnik along the Adriatic Sea, and viewing the beautiful world as seen thru my eyes. 

I am joining Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.

I am also joining Vanessa @ Southern in my Heart for Inspiration Friday.

Thank you again for visiting My Cozy Corner

Please leave a comment and become a follower


Friday, August 20, 2010



When my Paternal Grandmother died.  My father inherited this mirror.

I always admired it when I was a child.  After my father passed away in November 2001.  My mother gave me the MIRROR. 

The MIRROR is a Victorian cast metal mirror with two candle holders.

My father was born in 1917 and the MIRROR  was in the family since the 1890's

I  love the detail on the MIRROR and it is just a treasure to me.

Today I am joining Cindy @ My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday

for A Few of my Favorite Things Saturday

Thank you for joining me @ My Cozy Corner

Please leave a comment and become a follower


Thursday, August 19, 2010


First, I would like to thank all my followers. I am proud that you like my blog enough to follow my activities each day.  When I retired from working many years.  I decided to enjoy one day at a time.  On  February 1, 2009 my husband had five way bypass surgery.  From that day until today. I have woke up each morning and have not planned the events of the day.  I do the next right thing and trust that everyday is my best day.  During the last eighteen months I have been amazed at the wonderful life that I have been blessed with.  My husband is recovering, and I am discovering.  2010 has been an awesome year so far.  I call this year the year of fun.

Fun enjoying myself

Fun enjoying my family and friends

Fun traveling

Fun celebrating a milestone in my marriage.

Fun blogging

January 1, 2010 I started to blog.  I receive so much enjoyment out of creating posts, designing my blog, and the most important part is sharing with my followers the wonderful life I have today.  I am not rich and I am not poor.  I have a value of the dollar and try to express myself in a kind and loving way.  Thank you for joining me on a journey of self expression through words and photographs.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Some Like it Hot

While I was away seeing the sights of the world.  My garden was growing and growing. The weeds are knee deep, but I wanted to show some of the wonderful plants that love the heat of Upper Sacramento Valley.  The summers are dry and hot.  An Average of  high 90's most of July and August. So I have been waiting all Summer long to show you what makes my garden look colorful even in the heat.

'Bat-faced Cuphea' and 'Black-eyed Susans'

'Bat-faced Cuphea' is an outstanding selection for pots, planters, and flower beds.  It is tolerant of full sun and drought with no major pest or disease problems.
Each flower bears a striking and pleasant, resemblance to the face of a bat.
Can you see the little bat face?  The little red ears and white nose. 

'Black-eyed Susan' a long-blooming perennial.  They like full sun and are resistant to insects and disease.

'Zinnia Envy'  I love a green zinnia.


When the roses are resting and the sunflowers are not in bloom yet.  I have a great flowering edge for the garden.

Hope you have enjoyed your visit because I love sharing my garden with you.

I am joining Susan over @ A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday 

Please jump back and catch more of the beautiful outdoors.

Thank you again for visiting and please leave a comment and become a follower


Sunday, August 15, 2010


During my vacation I took photographs to share with everyone.  I thought the perfect way to show photos of each port of call would be to create a mosaic.  SO!!!!!!

Please enjoy Venice, Italy Monday July 26, 2010.

Venice is a wonderful place to visit.  St. Mark's Square is amazing.   The heart and soul of Venice, with palatial arcades and charming cafes.  The Byzantine facade of St Mark's Cathedral was originally constructed in the 9th century and   the gondoliers are standing around waiting for their next customer. There are many churchs in Venice. Visiting the inside of exquisite Doges' Palace, the former residence of the dukes of Venice and the seat of the Venetian government for 800 years was fabulous. Climbing the Golden Staircase to marvel at the paintings of Tintoretto and Veronese and crossing over the Bridge of Sighs to reach the prison and view the cells was like stepping back in time.  As the story is told.  The prisoners would walk through the passages to their cells and would see the beautiful sight of the island of  S. Giorgio and freedom for the last time.

Hope you enjoyed a snippet of the sights in Venice. 

I am joining Mary at Little Red House  for Mosaic Monday.  Please hop back and see more mosaics. 

Thank you again for visiting My Cozy Corner

Please leave a comment and become a follower


Friday, August 13, 2010

200 Lavender Sachets

What a week.  Home from a trip of a life time on Sunday. And on Monday I started making 200 lavender sachets for a convention I am attending tomorrow at 8:00a.m.  I was so grateful that I had my two granddaughters to help me. They are eight and ten.  My daughter just started a new job on Monday and needed some instant child care assistance for one week before school starts.  YES Grandma said OK. LOL.

Here they are hard at work.......

Beth is eight and can iron, thread the sewing machine and thread the bobbin.

Lexi is ten.  She sewed 200 hearts.  What a girl.



More Stuffing!!!!

All Done and it's Friday

Bless the sweet girls for helping Grandma the last week of summer.
 Hip Hip Hooray
Three Cheers for the girls

Thank you so much for joining me at My Cozy Corner

I am joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
PLEASE link back and enjoy more handmade crafts.

Please leave a comment and become a follower

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

An Amazing Cruise-Mediterranean Romance

Wow!!!!  I'm back from the most amazing trip.  I am a California girl.  Born and raised in San Jose, California.  I have traveled some over the past 15 years, but this trip to Europe was a trip of a life time.  Sharing experiences of a trip with family and friends is the most rewarding part of traveling.  I returned to California at 11:35p.m. Saturday night after a flight of 19 hours and 55 minutes.  Leaving Barcelona at 12:00nn on Saturday and flying around the globe was an experience beyond my wildest dreams. The countries I visited were filled with history, art and architecture.

Please join me on a visual journey.

'Venice, Italy'

'Dubrovnik, Croatia'

'Corfu, Greece'

'Cephalonia, Greece'

'Santorini, Greece'

'Taormina, Italy'

'Pompeii, Italy'

'Rome, Italy'

'Pisa, Italy'

'Barcelona, Spain'

I hope you have enjoyed your journey.  And I relive my travels again in my imagination with every photograph.

Thank you for visiting me a My Cozy Corner. 

 I am joining Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.
Please link back to Susan's place for more Outdoors.

Thanks again for visiting.  Please leave a comment and become a follower.
