
Thursday, August 19, 2010


First, I would like to thank all my followers. I am proud that you like my blog enough to follow my activities each day.  When I retired from working many years.  I decided to enjoy one day at a time.  On  February 1, 2009 my husband had five way bypass surgery.  From that day until today. I have woke up each morning and have not planned the events of the day.  I do the next right thing and trust that everyday is my best day.  During the last eighteen months I have been amazed at the wonderful life that I have been blessed with.  My husband is recovering, and I am discovering.  2010 has been an awesome year so far.  I call this year the year of fun.

Fun enjoying myself

Fun enjoying my family and friends

Fun traveling

Fun celebrating a milestone in my marriage.

Fun blogging

January 1, 2010 I started to blog.  I receive so much enjoyment out of creating posts, designing my blog, and the most important part is sharing with my followers the wonderful life I have today.  I am not rich and I am not poor.  I have a value of the dollar and try to express myself in a kind and loving way.  Thank you for joining me on a journey of self expression through words and photographs.


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