
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

~Angels Galore~

 Hello Everyone,
Sweetheart and I took a little trip this past weekend to visit my 91year mother.  We drove her to a hair appointment.  Bought some groceries for the week.  Cooked some meals. Took her for a nice ride in the car and took her out to breakfast on Sunday.  My sister will be home this Saturday from her 15 day cruise to Hawaii. I'm so happy she an opportunity to take much needed rest and relaxation vacations every few months. She is the primary caregiver for our mother and is very involved in our mother's daily living.  She is an Angel~

The weather is cooling down in the evenings and the early mornings are crisp.  The angels will be put to bed before the first frost.  I move the plant rack back close to the house and cover all the tender plants during the winter.  Sweetheart has a drip system set up to water the plants all winter long.
And, this darling angel was a gift from my children for my birthday this year.

The angel planter was  found at a yard sale.  Our Church was having a yard sale and I bought this cute angel planter just to hang next to my other angels.

I call the precious statues angels. But, sometimes I think some of them are cherubs (baby angels)

This poor darling angel has been around awhile.  Painted and chipped and broken pieces mended.  But just precious.

~Ferns Galore~

This little angel is new to the garden this year.  There was an Estate sale next door and I wanted to have this precious angel in remembrance of our neighbors of 40 years. 

Sweet Angel in the middle of the Cuphea llavea. Bat-faced Cuphea.

Now this Angel is my pride and joy.  I bought her at TUESDAY MORNING and she was going to be my Christmas present, but I put her in the garden close to the house. I look at her first thing every morning.  My plan was going be to put her in the garage and cover her until Christmas morning, but I just couldn't do that.
She is right out my dining room window and I love to look at the peaceful presence she has.

The leaves are falling and the pomegranates are ripening nicely.

I do hope you enjoyed my Angels Galore. The angels will be in different places next spring.
 I 'm excited to say we have a our new project in the garden.  We're creating a Secret Garden area and I will be sharing the progress with you soon.
As they say in the garden world.  Nothing ever stays the same.  Always change.
Like Life!!!!

I going to be joining:
Faded Charm for White Wednesday
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday
No Minimalist Here for Open House Party on Thursday

A Big Hello to Tablescape by Diane #196 new follower.

Please visit the wonderful parties with me.  I know we will have a grand time together.
Until next time


  1. Beautiful angels.

    Regards from Sweden

  2. Your angels are lovely. I have a few, but mostly I photograph angels-love to go to old cemetaries. I recently did a series of photographs of angels in Louisiana.

  3. your angles make your yard look like an oasis of calm. thanks for sharing this moment of quiet.

  4. Chipped angels are precious for sure.
    Joyce M

  5. One of the best angels presentations I have seen. Bless you and family for taking care of your loved one. So many are neglected.

  6. Love your angel collection! so beautiful!
    XXX Ido

  7. Oh, my! What a fabulous presentation of such beautiful angels. Your blog is gorgeous.
    I have joined your followers list and invite you to join my followers list; as well,I hope you will grab a blog button. Hugs, Gayle


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