
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cookies? Cookies? I Want to Comment!!

Hello Friends and Followers

I want to Comment!

I would like to say I'm so sorry I can't
comment on some blogs.But Blogger won't let me. I get an Input error:
Cookie value is null for FormRestoration when I try to comment.
Judith of Lavender Cottage
I love your blog and The Harvest Post is beautiful.
Butter vs Crisco
I have only baked scones with butter. I'm sure your Crisco scones are delightful.

Something is going on with my
Cookies and Cache! Whatever that means.


I'm going to work on it later today.

Thank you all so much for leaving the wonderful comments and I'm trying to answer them if I can.

Bless you all
@ My Cozy Corner


  1. Blogging is so much fun and enjoyment when it works right. It seems we are more or less at their mercy. Trust you get your issues resolved soon.

  2. Betty -- I had a similar problem - someone told me to NOT check the *stay logged in* option when logging into blogger and that did the trick for me. I have to relog into every session but that isn't too big an issue.


  3. I read on another blog that another fellow blogger had the same problem with leaving comments. It's the browser. So, instead of using Internet Explorer or Firefox, use Google Chrome and you won't have any problem leaving comments. I hope that helps. :) Take care and have a good day.



I'm so delighted that you have visited my blog...
Thanks for your comments as I enjoy reading them.