
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dreaming of Spring Planting

Landscaping the Pergola! I have a new room outside to play in.
I bought some seeds and some bulbs.Now I'm reading gardening books and sitting in My Cozy Corner drinking tea and dreaming up different designs for the flower beds that surround my new pergola See Here

I  have some yellow day lilies in my big garden area. But I would love to have a pink and white garden near the pergola.  The poppies are red to remind me of the beautiful fields of England. The Moon Flowers will bloom in the evening and in the morning until noon.  Lupines are a filler for the back of the Pergola and some dahlia's maybe will be used in pots around the corners.  Sweetheart is planning to put electric and water on the pergola. 
WOW! I'm so excited.

I have found some wonderful gardening books at Tuesday Morning.  The Perennial bed will  have some new roses.  Maybe PINK...  

Pink tea pot and cup for tea. It's so peaceful looking out my dining room window dreaming of the Spring days ahead.

There's always an angel close by.  I pray for good health this year.  Someone wanted to know if I have a gardener.
No! I am the gardener.  Do I exercise at a gym?  No I garden! LOL~

More Pink.  I'm so happy I brought this Pink Geranium into the house this winter.  I have another geranium planted outside in the garden, but it was hit with the frost.  Hopefully it will recover.

I brought the angels in from the harsh weather. They are enjoying the warmth of the sunny window just like me.

This is an example of the look I would love to capture.  

Great Resources.I love gardening books.  With a home to manage there are so many different kinds of books in my library.
Garden Books
Cook Books
Decorating Books
 I always have a book in my purse to read while I'm wait for anything...

Thanks for visiting My Cozy Corner.  I'm off to work today and now you know what I've been up to this week. Dreaming of Spring...
Have a great weekend and I will be back next week to share more of  My Cozy Corner's adventures.
I'm joining:
A Delightsome Life for Home and Garden Thursday
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
How Sweet the Sound for PINK SATURDAY
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday
Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
Link back to these parties for more inspiration and eye candy.
p.s. Monday morning Sweetheart will be having a small hernia repaired.  Please keep him in your prayers. 


  1. Hi Betty,

    This is such a pretty post! I love the sweet expression on your garden angel's face and love the angel candle holder. I'm amazed that your geranium is blooming.

    This is a wonderful time of year to dream of spring planting. I hope you'll share the finished results with us. Have a great day!



  2. I love this. I'm excited about spring planting too! I need to get some books. Beautiful post :)
    Sherry's Bees Nest

  3. I lover pergolas and we had two at our home in Arizona. I really do miss them as they were an enchanting place to sit, think or was covered in the most delicious grapes!

  4. Looks like you are ready for your spring planting. We have awhile to before thinking of this.

  5. I am so excited for you to plan and to plant your new garden room. I love pergolas and I can just envision your beautiful garden surrounding it! I am with you - I am the gardener and that is my exercise! Thank you so much for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday!

  6. Gardening is good for the soul. This is a good time to be thinking about what you will plant and where and adding up the cost factor. HPS!
    Joyce M

  7. Lovely post. A gardener can never have enough garden books or a cozy place to sip a cup of tea and dream! Enjoy!

  8. Boy, do I hear you. When am I not ready for planting of some sort? Lovely post with the promise of spring. Thank you!

  9. Beautiful post! I am so ready to get out to the gardens and plant some beauty!

  10. Although we have had a mild winter in central VA, i am looking forward to seeing my early spring bulbs bloom and toward starting my seeds.
    Yes, i am very jealous that you are getting a pergola, but I wish you many years of happiness sitting in it.

  11. It's nice to have a few nice pots of flowers inside during the winter months! ♥

  12. Planning the garden with books and new seeds is exciting. In another couple of months, I'll be able to get my plans underway. I like the colour of your geranium.

  13. I cannot wait till spring. The seed flyers are arriving and I love to sit and dream about all the flowers. Have a great week.

  14. What a lovely post, your angel is so pretty. I would love to have a gardenful of poppies. Have fun planning your garden, I can not wait for spring. Beautiful photos, have a great day.

  15. What a great idea, to dream of Spring plantings. I have never tried to keep my Geraniums, but yours looks happy. One year my sister filled a basket with seeds and gave it to us for an anniversary gift. I thought that was a lovely idea.

  16. Love your post. I am ready for spring... Have a great day! Pat

  17. Gardening is on my mind these days, too. Can hardly wait to get out there. Your angel is lovely.

  18. All beautiful but I love the pink geranium!


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