
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Church Bazaar 2012

Hi Everyone,
Welcome to My Cozy Corner.
Each year, I prepare handmade items for our church's bazaar. 
My lavender items sold before I had a chance to take a photo of the bath salts in the basket. 
You can see some of the lavender bundles in the background and a few bath salts.
I love to make handmade dishcloths.
 I knit one dishcloth in a couple of hours while watching television in the evening.  
One lady bought all the dishcloths I had brought. I love use them in my kitchen, and I also give them away as hostess gifts wrapped around some jelly or a jar of flowers in the summertime. 
 Handmade Dishcloths are My Favorite Thing.
I had a few random ornaments around the house to sell.
The ladies would like me to bring more lavender next year. 
Handmade Christmas pins and Dept 56 ornaments.
Odds and Ends
'I Believe' Magic Christmas Dust is always a hit.  I put oatmeal in a baggie and sell it for one dollar. 
The small children spread it on their front lawn for the reindeer.  
Our little Anglican Church did very well at the bazaar this year. Our ACW...Anglican Church Women are
 very proud of our success.

Come and join me while I hop to some parties.
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
DIY by Design for Winter Blues Wednesday
Stonegable for Tutorials Tips and Tidbits
The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
Mockingbird Hill Cottage for Favorite Thing Saturday
Thank you so much for visiting today
Thanks for the comments.  I love to read them.


  1. This is a fun post, Betty. You made some lovely things to sell! You are a talented lady!

  2. OH, hand-knit dishcloths bring back the best memories... They were the only things my Mom could knit for months... I think she made about 100 before finally nailing it! We still have quite a few hidden here and there :) Your table looks wonderful, you really ARE talented! Merry Christmas :)

  3. I love church bazaars. You had so many lovely offerings, I wish I'd been able to attend.

  4. You have been a very busy elf!
    Merry Christmas, Betty.

  5. I love attending and selling at these kinds of events! All your goodies look wonderful! Thank you for sharing this with us at TTF. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  6. Love the magic dust! I am sure your Church is so grateful for your wonderful contributions.
    Merry Christmas!

  7. Such a happy post, so glad you shared. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  8. This is such a lovely post Betty - I love Church bazaars too. Sadly we don't have them so much here now - not enough people - declining numbers of church goers - sad to say.
    Your dish cloths look great - I must google for a pattern - I usually buy the supermarket ones that come from India.

    Now that Magic Christmas Dust is wonderful - I will make up some for my grandies next year - or maybe I should just tell my daughter - I have to be careful what I post to France!!!

    Wishing you a Blessed Christmas
    Joyeux Noël
    Shane ♥

  9. I'd probably display that dish cloth and not use it. Too pretty!! :)

  10. Everything looks so pretty. The Magic Christmas Dust is such a nice idea. I love bazars. Merry Christmas! Regula

  11. What a lot of great things you brought to the bazaar!

    Merry Christmas!

  12. Such neat ideas, Betty! The Magic Christmas dust must be so neat for children to sprinkle all over their lawns. That's a sweet idea. Love the dishcloths!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week and Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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