
Monday, February 18, 2013

♥Pretty Thank You Cards♥

 Good Morning ~ 
I was in the garden over the weekend, finishing the planting of my 'Secret Garden' with roses and other spring blooming plants. I will be revealing the progress later this week.
Until then I would like you to enjoy more of my Valentine flowers Sweetheart gave me.
Three Red Roses with Baby's Breath.
I added the pink carnations from My Romantic Dinner post...Go Here.
And then I had two poinsettia plants still blooming from Christmas and added them to this bouquet.
While outside photographing the Secret Garden I added some Valentine Candy to the post.
I thought. What kind of Thank You card  would I like to receive?  I knew it would be a photo of CANDY~CHOCOLATE CANDY. The vintage dish is a thrift store find and Sweetheart glued the base on with some powerful stuff. I know this dish will be featured in many posts to come.
 Can you see the poinsettia leaves?

 I loved this card and had to share it with you. After over 50 years of marriage I receive a beautiful complement with some jewelry. Oh my! 
 Hope you enjoy your week. I'll be back soon with more pretties...
I'm Linking to:
Little Red House for Mosaic Monday 
The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Monday
A Delightsome Life for A Return to Loveliness
Cozy  Little House for Tweak It Tuesday
Cedar Hill Ranch for Cowgirl Up
A Haven for Vee for Note Card Party
A Southern Day Dreamer for Outdoor Wednesday
Katherine's Corner for Thursday Favorite Things.
See you real soon...


  1. Your flowers are stunning, Betty! The pink and red look great together.

  2. These are all so beautiful! It looks like you've had a good week! Sweet hugs!

  3. Beautiful all the way around! The dish is wonderful and perfectly displays those yummy-looking chocolates.

  4. Such beautiful flowers. How sweet is love after all those years! Congratulations. Great note card selection. My post is up but the linky isn't working just now.

  5. Betty, these photos are beautiful -- such gorgeous flowers! (and what a sweet card from your sweetheart!) Love all the RED. Thanks for sharing them.

  6. Beautiful flowers and photographed so nicely. They would make nice thank you notes.

  7. Flowers always make pretty note cards, don't they? Beautiful bouquet and clever to use a flower frog to display your VD card.

  8. I love all of your pics beautiful Betty! One of my favorite things is to snip the poinsettia flowers off after season and enjoy them in a vase:@)

  9. Your photos are just gorgeous and would make lovely postcards, I especially love the roses and chocolates. I also like the angel on your sidebar with the very wise saying. xo

  10. These are stunning, flowers and chocolates...perfect.

  11. And it's a lovely complement indeed!
    All of your photos are gorgeous...although the chocolates are calling pretty loudly! :)

  12. I'm visiting from Vee's. Your photos are perfectly lovely!

  13. All good cards, especially the candy dish one! The flowers are very pretty though.

  14. Betty, your flowers are gorgeous and the candy --- making my mouth water! Wonderful thank yous!

  15. Beautiful!

    I love roses and your photos are all romantic!


  16. What a gorgeous bouquet! These photos make lovely note cards. Very pretty. Pamela

  17. Hi... I cam in from the note card party. Lovely flowers, yummy sweets and a very precious gift. Lucky you!!

  18. What beautiful cards and some great photography here. We have been married 53 years in April so we have some things in common. I love flowers and red and pink also. Blessings

  19. Congrats on the anniversary, Betty! Lovely photos. :)

  20. Lovely, lovely. I love roses. Just discovered your blog thru Vee’s note card hop Betty, and I’m so glad I did. I also love top garden and so hope that you have spectacular roses in your garden this year.

  21. Oh, they are pretties. Congrats on the 50+ years, that's awesome. :)


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