
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Signs of Autumn in the Garden

Hello everyone,
Well, we're half-way through September and the last of the hot days are almost over.  Hopefully in a couple of weeks we will have the wonderful moderate temperatures we so enjoy during the Autumn months.
 I'm always amazed since I've been blogging to look back at the changes the in the garden. In May this border is so sparse, but I have moved the yard decor around and the border has filled in with an abundance of greenery.

The Dahlias are a work horse of a plant, and IF and that's a big IF I dead head every few days they just keep blooming. I planted a rose and the strawberry pot is overflowing with succulents and a burnished colored coleus. Plus the fabulous sunflowers are growing by the minute.  
I brought the angel back from the big garden and put the white urn in the big garden planted with a big fern under a shade tree. Sometimes I feel as if I've got two homes.
Clean and rearrange one and then clean and rearrange the other one.
Inside, outside, inside, outside. 
I love the pink color of this dahlia.  I would like to buy some dinner plate size dahlias and plant them in this space next year. The short pink ones in front and some big tall white ones in the back against the fence. 
Don't you think that would look pretty?
If you look close you can see the dead ones. I might save some seeds and put them in my secret garden next year.
The sunflowers are growing fast and furious.
Here they are in all their glory. 
This sunflower is called Autumn Harvest.  They are petite compared to my sunflowers I grew last year.
My Cozy Corner banner has photos of the larger size sunflowers. 
Both are nice to have. I tried to plant large and small this year, but the large ones didn't germinate. 
I had a little fun with photo shop and added some romance to my sunflower photo.
I love to garden. Can you tell? 
Thank you so much for visiting me. I love company...
I'm linking to:
Home and Garden

Betty @ My Cozy Corner


  1. You truly have a green thumb! I adore all the urns and statuary.

    Have a blessed day!

  2. Love your garden - it's very pretty. I also love my garden but as I get older it's so hard to get down and weed and do what I want.
    Have a wonderful week.

  3. Your garden is wonderful. I love it throughout all the seasons. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  4. Very pretty yard. You have kept it well. In Texas, it is still very hot and dry.

  5. It's nice to see the garden in various stages and we can be proud of our efforts (hard work!) in making it grow. I find when I'm working outdoors my housework indoors is neglected. Oh well. Have a great week.

  6. lovely. I wish I have the green thumb to grow my own garden, but unfortunately, they all die on me. :-(

  7. Your gardens are lovely and I like the tall sunflowers.

  8. The weathered wood of the fence sure makes a nice backdrop! Flowers are always nice for cards! Sweet hugs!

  9. Your dahlias are just gorgeous!

  10. I enjoy looking at gardens through various times of the year. Nice to look back on when planning for future garden. (I'm either planning or working in the garden)

  11. Your garden is beautiful! My favorites are the sunflowers! Have always loved sunflowers!

  12. beautiful fall colors in your garden, those sunflowers look huge!

  13. You have such a pretty garden, Betty. Your dahlias are a gorgeous colour. Sunflowers are such happy flowers and always add a nice burst of colour. Thank you for sharing at my HOME and enjoy the rest of your week.


  14. Hello Betty
    Oh I love your dahlias and if I lived close by I would be asking if I could have a tuber!!! Sadly I'm 12,000 miles away!!
    Your angel is gorgeous - it's those extra touches that make a garden 'your own'.
    They all make lovely note cards.
    It's been ages since I visited - I'm getting back on track!

  15. Your garden is beautiful. Love the Sunflowers.

  16. A lovely garden!

    Your sunflower pics remind me of the sunflower that self-seeded in my own yard this past spring. One tiny seed grew into one very large plant with dozens of cheery faces. Loved the serendipity of that.

    Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places....

  17. Oh, your garden is looking glorious in Autumn! Love the pink Dahlias! The sunflowers are fantastic! I am so delighted that you shared with Home and GardenThursday,


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