
Friday, January 9, 2015

*Tuck Box Tea Time*

Hello everyone, 
Hope your week is going well. I've been busy cleaning and putting Christmas away for another year. The weather is crisp and clear. We did have a couple of days last week in the high 30's. But I found some beautiful flowers in my garden in spite of the cold temperature.
"The Tuck Box" is a small restaurant in Carmel, California.

I've wanted to visit this quaint place for years. Maybe this year. My SIL visited "The Tuck Box" last year and brought me home some tea and Olallieberry Spread. The spread is delicious and I decided to make Surprise Muffins for my tea time today.
The surprise is when you open the the muffin the spread is inside. Amazing.
The bouquet of flowers is from my garden. I was so surprised when I found such a variety of blooms this time of the year. 
Roses, Camellias and Daffodils.
I went to an estate sale a last month and found this beautiful cup.
"ROYAL ALBERT' Bone China England 
Garland Series~Elegance
I found the tea pot also. No markings. The tea pot has a lusterware rim on the bottom of the pot and I love the pink flowers too.
Surprise Muffins
Beat slightly with fork............................1 egg
Stir in....1 cup milk, 1/4 cup cooking (salad) oil or melted shortening
Sift together and add...........2 cups sifted flour
1/4 cup sugar, 3 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt
Stir just until moistened. Batter should be lumpy.
Do not overmix.  Fill muffin cups half full of batter.
Drop scant teaspoon of jelly on center of batter.
Add more batter to fill cup 2/3 full.  Discovering
the jelly inside the baked muffin is the surprise.
TEMPERATURE: 400° (mod. hot. oven).
TIME: Bake 20 to 25 min.
AMOUNT: 12 med. muffins.
I have my loose Tuck Box tea in the tin and my great-grandmother's loose tea spoon to scoop out the tea into the tea pot.
My grandmother's silver tea spoon with her engraved initials on the handle.

Hope you enjoy your tea time as much as I do. 
As you might know I love to pretend and I just love this adorable photo of the "The Tuck Box" 
(I'll keep you posted, if I visit someday)
Thank you for your wonderful comments on my Friendly Village post HERE
Linking to:

French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday 
 The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday 
My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday 

The ROSEGARDEN for Showoff Saturday
How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home
Mosaic Monday at Lavender Cottage
Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage 
The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse 
A Return to Loveliness  at A Delightsome Life 
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday
Cedar Hill Ranch for The Scoop!

Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday


  1. What a lovely table! Everything looks delicious!

  2. Beautiful table! I am so jealous of your garden flowers bouquet. ..

  3. My family and I have high tea every month at the Tuck.Box. we live near Carmel CA. Their tea is their own special blend. It's a special place as my family has history with Carmel dating back to the 1920s. The Tuck Box has been a part of our Carmel life for decades. You must visit sometime and experience the high tea. Homemade scones and clotted cream. It's quite lovely.

  4. You are ;lucky to still have such pretty flowers and good tea. In Texas it is too cold and no blooms.

  5. Hi Betty,
    Oh my your flowers are gorgeous! I am so envious that you have such beautiful ones blooming. It is very cold where I live in B.C. and I do love California so very much! Your teacup is stunning - the colour is so rich. I also like your pretty teapot. Everything is perfect and I would love to come over to visit and try your Surprise Muffins. Thank you for visiting me. Happy Saturday! Karen

  6. Beautiful teacup, teapot and bouquet! The Tuck Box looks like an adorable little English cottage. I don't know if I'll ever make it to California, but if I do that would be on my list to visit.

  7. Really enjoyable! Everything looks delicious.

  8. Lovely post, the teacup is beautiful and the muffins look delicious.. The bouquet is gorgeous.. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Have a happy week!

  9. I am envious of the fact that you can bring in flowers from the garden, and the bouquet is so colourful. The surprise muffins looks delicious and yes, I enjoy my afternoon tea every day.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Betty.

  10. I love that Royal Albert Tea Cup, probably my favorite maker of bone china. I would love to get to the Tuck Box someday. I used to live in Calif. and have been to Carmel but was a college gal at the time and not much interested in such things. My loss. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Betty, your bouquet is simply amazing! I cannot imagine finding posies like yours in the garden this time of year. Gorgeous blooms! They really set the stage for your lovely tea. The muffins look wonderful and I love your pretty teapot and RA teacup! The Gainsborough style of cup is so lovely and the colours are very rich. So glad you shared this with us and joined me for tea. Have a lovely week.


  12. How lovely your tea setting and those muffins look just wonderful. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Happy week!

  13. The Tuck Box looks so cute! I hope you get to visit it one day and share your dining experience on this blog. The RA cup is beautiful!

  14. Betty, Your flowers are so beautiful! The teacup and the surprise muffin looked good too.

  15. Hi: Your table is beautiful. I love the tea cup. Thanks you so much for sharing it with us today. Blessings, Martha

  16. Dear Betty,
    Your tea is beautiful. The cup is so special and those flowers are magnificent. I love that vase you have them in as well. That teapot is lovely too and would go with so many cups. I would so love to go to The Tuck Box too. What a darling place and name too. Great post, Ruthie

  17. OMGoodness, your photos are crazy wonderful! Did you get a new camera, or find a new setting on yours? Wow! I found you on Pinterest, so much fun.

  18. What beautiful flowers, tea cup and table setting.... the muffins look wonderful. :)

  19. What a gorgeous tea time table. Everything is lovely. The flowers from your garden are a true delight and the teacup is stunning. Please stop by for a visit.


  20. That teacup is beautiful! I love anything by Royal Albert. Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

  21. Hi Betty. found you blog through Tea Time Tuesday.. I'm glad I did... you have really beautiful tea cups and the flowers are so refreshingly pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  22. I LOVE the Tuck Box! We went there for tea each afternoon on our honeymoon 41 years ago! Thanks for your visit! Back from break with a feeling-better-Honey!
    Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!


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